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Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

Product Code:LDR
Reward Points: 1
Product available in stock :40
  • SAR1.00

Tags: LDR, Light Dependent Resistor, light, sensor, Arduino, led, حساس, مستشعر, ضوء, نهار, شمس, مقاومة, متغير, متغيرة

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)LDR 5528 

Withstand Voltage: 150V

Maximum Power: 90 mW

Ambient Temperature: -30 to 70 C

Central Wavelength: 540 nm

Bright Resistance: 8-20 K-ohm

Dark Resistance: 1 M-ohm

Gamma Value: 0.65

Respond Time: 30 ms

This is actual simple project how to use it with Arduino.

Resistor connected to LDR is 1 K-ohm.

Resistor connected to LED is 220 ohm.

Here the code

// automatic "night light"
// turn LED on when light levels drop too low

const int led = 11;          // led pin
const int sensor_pin = A0;  // sensor pin
int sensor;					// sensor reading
const int threshold = 500;  // threshold to turn LED on

void setup(){  // setup code that only runs once
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);  // set LED pin as output
  Serial.begin(9600);    // initialize serial communication

void loop(){   // code that loops forever
  sensor = analogRead(sensor_pin);   // read sensor value
  Serial.println(sensor);			 // print sensor value
  if(sensor<=threshold){  // if sensor reading is less than threshold
    digitalWrite(led,HIGH);  // turn LED on
  else{  // else, if sensor reading is greater than threshold
    digitalWrite(led,LOW);    // turn LED off

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